Making storytelling count in the face of football overload.
Ad-breaks during the World Cup are swamped with brands jumping on the footballing bandwagon; flag-waving and bombast and balls, balls, balls. We persuaded McDonald’s to take a different tack, telling their story of being open 24 hours with simple heart and sentiment, appealing to men and women, footy fans or not. The campaign was so successful that McDonald’s introduced a separate ‘gherkin’ tab on their tills, with over 350,000 separate orders for burger-less gherkins during the three week duration of the campaign..
As part of the Great Tastes of America promotion, each week for four weeks McDonalds offer a different American-themed burger. We created a campaign of four TV commercials, set in the same town, on the same street, using the same people, to show the effect each of these burgers had on one quintessentially British town